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Pitter Patter of Little Thoughts

If I had an addiction, it would probably be books. All kinds of books. There is almost nothing better than curling up with fuzzy pillows, warm blankets, a mug of hot chocolate, and of course a book to fall into. Trying to get a full account of all the books I've read in the past - and also trying to be more diligent about documenting the books I read nowadays (and reviewing them). Thus, all current books I read will be reviewed, and all books I've realized I read in the past will not be reviewed unless I read them again. Also trying to expand my palate in books and genres. There's nothing I love better than a recommended new book in a different genre that surpasses my expectations. Feel free to leave a recommendation ^^

Currently reading

A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens, Stephen Koch
Charles Dickens, Stephen Koch
October 2013
read and rated
I expected something much different from the synopsis. I imagined something more similar to HG Wells's The Time Machine. Prob...
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - Robert A. Heinlein
October 2013
I closed this book quietly, to just sit still for a moment and let all of the words and story wash over me until it settles s...
The Shadow of the Wind - Lucia Graves, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
October 2013
read and rated
text: Let's try this out
I've been pretty consistent with GoodReads when I first discovered it some few years ago. But then I found out that BookLikes...
BookLikes Reading Challenge: Pitter Patter of Little Thoughts wants to read 100 books in 2013.
Pitter Patter of Little Thoughts has read 75 book(s) out of 100 books in
2013 Reading Challenge
October 2013
I freaked out when I saw this book was dropped! I've definitely been waiting. And this book does pick up where Red Skies left...
The Republic of Thieves - Scott Lynch
finished reading:
October 2013
Reread for the second time to prepare myself for Republic of Thieves. I think most of the plot was forgettable, which is a ma...
Red Seas Under Red Skies - Scott Lynch
Reread this book for the third time. Once to read it. Second time to set myself up for Red Skies. And now, the third time bec...
The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch
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finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: The Audition (Seraphina, #0.5)
Ah, does this even count as a book? Regardless, this little prequel teaser reminds me of how much I enjoyed Seraphina. The ch...
The Audition (Seraphina, #0.5) - Rachel Hartman
I read this book in chunks, which is pretty telling of its enthralling capabilities (not that great). Read it because of a f...
The Long Earth - Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett
Don't be fooled by the description. This book is actually a romance hidden under a flimsy fantasy-book disguise. I was lured ...
Star of the Morning - Lynn Kurland
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October 2013
reviewed: Fangirl
GUILTY PLEASURE ALERT.Written for introverts and bookworms and girls who are addicted to fanfiction and fantasy and dreams of...
Fangirl - Rainbow Rowell
It almost pains me to give this book one star because I love Tamora Pierce and Winding Circle so much. But honestly this book...
Battle Magic - Tamora Pierce
I gave a decent rating to the first book, but I cannot give this book anything besides one star. I close this book feeling ut...
Voice of the Lost - Andrea K. Höst
Shorter review because I'm on a book-reading binge currently (and am getting lazy). This was a good read. I really appreciate...
The Silence of Medair - Andrea K. Höst
This story is like a fairytale for adults. A little darker, a little more mature, but whimsical enough to remind you of magic...
The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel - Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman
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